Super-Natural Health, Super-Natural Wellness
Books & Media for Your Journey to Wellness
It's Super-Natural
Searching for affordable, simple ways to keep your body, mind, and spirits in top-notch running order? Living a life of wellness does not need to be difficult or expensive. It is fun and many free and/or inexpensive tools and methods for achieving great health are easily available to us! Learn some simple ways to live a life full of bounty, joy, and physical and mental vitality.
Helpful Videos
From 2017-2022 I did a series of videos for E-how on various health related topics ... I've posted a few here. If you want more, just type in Lola Scarborough and many more videos will show up that cover a plethora of yoga exercises that help you feel your best!
From 2019-now, I've done a number of podcasts. These discussions cover many different topics, including health and wellness, my journey as a human being, and my shift from the corporate world into the health and wellness (and yoga) business. I've linked a few of my podcasts below. There are many more, but this is a nice sampling of the different topics I've shared across time.
Ayurveda Blog
I written quite a lot about Ayurveda and would love to have you check out my blog! It resides on my retreat site, www.ayurvedaliving.com. Check it out!